Hello avid learner,
“Who” e “that” não são palavras intermutáveis. Na edição de hoje vamos resolver esse enigma e ver alguns exemplos!
Em regra geral, usamos “who” sempre que nos queremos referir a pessoas e animais de estimação e usamos “that” preferencialmente para nos referirmos a objetos, embora possamos também usar “that” para nos referirmos a pessoas.
Podemos usar “who” como: pronome (interrogativo ou relativo).
Como pronome interrogativo
- Who‘s there?
- Who knocked on the door?
- Who got injured?
- Who baked this cake?
- Who wants a slice of the cake?
Como pronome relativo
- There’s the woman who missed the flight.
- This is Ana, who I went to school with.
- The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
- Sam, who I met at the station, helped me with the bags.
- These are the children who need help.
- That’s the cat who doesn’t like me.
Podemos usar “that” como: pronome (demonstrativo ou relativo), adjetivo, conjunção, advérbio, intensificador.
Como pronome demonstrativo Nos seguintes exemplos:
- That‘s a pen.
- That‘s my computer.
- What do you call that in English?
- That‘s my friend, Camila.
- That‘s our English teacher.
Como pronome relativo Nos seguintes exemplos:
- The cashier that helped me was very helpful.
- The mobile phone that I bought is faulty.
- He rented the flat that I wanted.
- I cleaned up the mess that she made.
- They damaged the book that I received.
Como adjetivo Nos seguintes exemplos:
- That red paint is brighter.
- That gym is the best in my town.
- That house is bigger.
- That burger is tastier.
- That chair is more comfortable.
Como conjunção Nos seguintes exemplos:
- I know that you enjoy learning English.
- She knows that you’re right.
- I confirm that she’s unwell.
- He knows that they’re coming.
- She’s sure that they’ll meet again one day.
Como advérbio ou intensificador Nos seguintes exemplos:
- It’s not that bad.
- He’s not that clever.
- My food wasn’t that nice.
- She wasn’t that tired.
- It’s not that easy.
Não vamos terminar, sem antes pormos à prova o que aprendeste e praticar com um exercício rápido.
- The girl ——— sings beautifully won the talent show.
- Can you pass me the book ——— is on the table?
- My friend ——— lives next door is a talented artist.
- The car ——— I bought last week is already giving me problems.
- Do you know anyone ——— speaks Spanish fluently?
- The house ——— we visited yesterday has a stunning view of the ocean.
Parabéns e obrigada por teres lido até aqui. Vemo-nos na próxima edição.
Bye for now